The time to whatever then pass, nothing of, not caring about, know that, know that it must, the time that, I try to, tedium, not wanting to move, the time it takes, don’t want to, sloth and absence, in what there’s still to do, has no force to, above all work to not, do nothing really, lost, have lost, remember not, I must, have not, don’t find, no doubt, am, don’t really remember, I because of, I have, I think or on something else or I have, simply, but think that, that I almost, I feel that have none, I think that, I know that, after and that, has something and that I have, without remembering, a little bit theater, a feeling of proximity, that I, I’m going, returning, there isn’t, there is, I go, I go, come back, look, pick up the scent, recall certain details, the color, an attention that ask for, no longer remember, think have no more idea what; on what; no doubt that; think that is a memory , a pass-time, decline, the series of images, a little and again and a little and above all faced with, I gather, and another, this time, I gather, like I, the images, if not preparing to; I, the image, look, do that, the images; I g ather, look to and when see the images, still images, think of, don’t like, insistent stare, seems waiting, not stopping recuperate the images, go on, am not very, one, that it goes on, would prefer in relation to this that, don’t want, can’t stand, at least try, look at things and beings, the images, a little interests me, interests me not start to, it’s a film: turning figures, intertwining, in the context of a total ending. (Translated by Cole Swensen)